Guitar Amp Project:

After completing my ballpoint pen project I decided to try something a little more challenging. I was still interested in practicing hard surface modeling and look dev. Its always a bit of a challenge picking a new project because I want it to be something I can learn from, but at the same time I want to keep it manageable since I am working on it in my free time. Striking that balance is is always crucial to successfully completing something I am proud of. Looking around I settled on my guitar amp. Since it has lots of little screws and inputs and outputs that would add some extra challenge, along with several different paint textures that would also be a challenge to replicate.

So far I have completed work on modeling and UV-ing. The most challenging part was the back panel since it has lots of switches and inputs on it. I learned an interesting way to model the mesh screen on the front that involved using curves to draw out the mesh then extruding a cylinder along the curves.

The plan is to next work on the texturing and look dev. Even though at first glance it all seems to be one material, when you look closely you’ll see that that there are a few different material and paint used. The body appears to be like a car paint while other pieces are a plastic material. I’ll update this post with my progress.

Reference images