More Practice with Python

Rock Paper Scissors Game


#! python3

import random,logging
# Sets up logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d: %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
logging.disable(logging.DEBUG) # uncomment to block debug logging.debug messages
logging.disable(logging.INFO) # uncomment to block debug messages
#Global variables
AI_WinTotal_int = 0 # holds running AI win count
playerWinTotal_int = 0 # holds running Player win count
def rockpaperscissors ():
    # Initalize local variables
    moveOptions_list = ['rock','paper','scissor']

    AI_Choice_int = random.randint(0,len(moveOptions_list)-1)
    AI_Move_str = moveOptions_list[AI_Choice_int]'AI move: %s' % AI_Move_str)

    playerMove_str = ''

    winState = ''
    #Game beginning state
    print('choose your move:')
    playerMove_str = input()
    #Error Check
    while playerMove_str.lower() not in moveOptions_list: # if player does not choose a valid move
        print('ERROR: Invalid input must choose "rock", "paper" or "scissor"')
        playerMove_str = input()
    #game logic
    if playerMove_str.lower() == 'rock':
        if AI_Move_str == 'scissor' :
            winState = 'WIN'
        if AI_Move_str == 'paper' :
            winState = 'LOSE'
        if AI_Move_str == 'rock' :
            winState = 'TIE'

    if playerMove_str.lower() == 'paper':
        if AI_Move_str == 'rock' :
            winState = 'WIN'
        if AI_Move_str == 'scissor' :
            winState = 'LOSE'
        if AI_Move_str == 'paper' :
            winState = 'TIE'

    if playerMove_str.lower() == 'scissor':
        if AI_Move_str == 'paper' :
            winState = 'WIN'
        if AI_Move_str == 'rock' :
            winState = 'LOSE'
        if AI_Move_str == 'scissor' :
            winState = 'TIE'

    return winState, AI_Move_str , playerMove_str
# Outputs the results from the round and ask user if they want to continue playing
def endRound(winStateReturn, AI, Player):
    #local variables
    playAgain = True
    userInput_PlayAgain = ''
    # prints round resutls
    if winStateReturn == 'WIN':
        print('WIN: You Win %s beats %s' % (Player, AI))
        global playerWinTotal_int
        playerWinTotal_int += 1
    if winStateReturn == 'LOSE':
        print('LOSE: You Lose %s beats %s' % (AI, Player) )
        global AI_WinTotal_int
        AI_WinTotal_int += 1
    if winStateReturn == 'TIE':
        print('TIE: You Tied %s equals %s' % (AI, Player))

    print('Score - AI:%d Player:%d' % (AI_WinTotal_int,playerWinTotal_int)) # prints running score
    # Determines if user wants to continue playing
    print('\nWould you like to play again')
    userInput_PlayAgain = input()

    # Error Check
    while userInput_PlayAgain != 'y' and userInput_PlayAgain != 'n':
        print('ERROR: Invalid input please enter either "y" or "n".')
        userInput_PlayAgain = input()

    # logic determining if to play another round
    if userInput_PlayAgain == 'y':
        playAgain = True
    if userInput_PlayAgain == 'n':
        playAgain = False

    return playAgain
#main call
def main():
    playState = True

    print('This is a game of rock paper scissors')

    while playState == True:
        gameResult, AI_Play, Player_Play = rockpaperscissors()
        playState  = endRound(gameResult, AI_Play, Player_Play)

    print('\nFinal Score - AI:%d Player:%d' % (AI_WinTotal_int,playerWinTotal_int)) # prints Final score
    print('DONE: Exiting program')

if __name__ == '__main__':