More Practice with Python


#! python3

import random, logging
# Sets up logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d: %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S')
logging.disable(logging.DEBUG) # uncomment to block debug logging.debug messages
#logging.disable(logging.INFO) # uncomment to block debug messages

def hangman():
    # Sets local variables
    answerChoice_list = ['hello', 'world', 'house', 'tall', 'ingenuity', 'apple', 'coffee','apartment']
    answerWord_str = answerChoice_list[random.randint(0, len(answerChoice_list)-1)]
    answerLen_int = len(answerWord_str)'answerWord_str: %s' % answerWord_str)
    logging.debug('answerLen_int: %d' % answerLen_int)

    match_list = [] # a list that will hold all the matches between user guesses and answer letters
    logging.debug('match_list length: %d' % len(match_list))

    letterGuess_str = '' # initalizs variable to hold the user guess

    winState = False # Holds the overall win state of the game

    maxGuess_int = 5 # maxium number of guess allowed
    guess_iter = 0 # keeps track of number of guess

    #Beginning state of game
    print('This is a game of hangman guess all the letters in a hidden word you have %d strikes to guess the answer.' % maxGuess_int )
    print('Guess a letter')

    # main while loop for game
    while guess_iter < maxGuess_int: # continues as long as max guesses not reached
        letterGuess_str = input()
        letterCount_int = 0

        #Error checking section

        # Check that letterGuess is one letter long
        while len(letterGuess_str) > 1:
            print('ERROR: you must input a stingle letter')
            letterGuess_str = input()

        # Check that correct letterGuess has not already been found
        while letterGuess_str in match_list:
            print('ERROR: letter already found guess again.')
            letterGuess_str = input()

        # game logic
        if letterGuess_str.lower() in answerWord_str: # if match found
            print('MATCH FOUND:letter found in word')

            for l in answerWord_str: # Checks number of time letter guessed appears in answer word
                if l == letterGuess_str.lower():
                    letterCount_int += 1
            logging.debug('letterCount_int: %d' % letterCount_int)
            for i in range(0,letterCount_int):

        if letterGuess_str.lower() not in answerWord_str: # if match NOT found
            print('NO MATCH: no match found')
            guess_iter += 1 # iterates guess counter

        if len(match_list) == answerLen_int: # switches winState and breaks while loop if user guess all the letters
            winState = True

        # Outputs feedback for user
        print('\tGuesses remaining: %d' % (maxGuess_int-guess_iter)) # tells user number of guess remaining
        print('\tLetters Found:{matches}'.format(matches=match_list))

        # prints next guess prompt
        if maxGuess_int-guess_iter != 0:
            print('\nGuess another letter')

    # End state condition evaluation
    if winState == True:
        print('\nWIN: answer is "%s"' % answerWord_str )
        print('\nLOST: answer is "%s"' % answerWord_str )

    print('DONE:Exiting program')
#Main Call
if __name__ == '__main_':